最新新闻 NEW10
1  标准展板 
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6  贵州会展设备租赁网&
7  贵州美秀展览策划有限
8  贵州桁架租赁、搭建/
9  桁架租赁、搭建/标准
10  贵阳桁架租赁、搭建/
     新 闻 中 心
双击自动滚屏 发布者:bolong 发布时间:2008/4/23 9:59:21 阅读:5002



         上海锐博是以从事展览展示、会议组织策划、活动巡展、专卖店、展厅以及博物馆等商业空间的设计与施工为一体的专业性公司。为企业提供从创意 - 设计 - 实施整体的一站式综合服务。

       充满激情、富有创造力和想象力的精英团队,完善、齐全的机构设施,三千多平米的专业制作场地和经验丰富的施工队伍,在国内各地建立了广泛的业务网络分支,专业优质的服务使我们赢得了众多客户的青睐, 业务范围遍及中国及海外,在 众多国际性知名的展会中均有上佳表现,参与的展会多达上百个,得到了主办单位和参展商的认可。每年参与的展会包括高尔夫展、旅游展、机床展、通信展、金融展、服装展、纺织机械展、农业展、图书展、科博会、房展、五金展等。

       我们相信凭借一个富有活力和丰富经验的团队、坚定发展的信念和追求、全心全意服务的理念、良好的声誉和充满创意的设计,一定能为您企业的发展 助以一臂之力,共同创造美好的未来!

       shanghai ruibo Exhibition CO, LTD. is a professional exhibition company. The business of this company covers a variety of areas, including exhibitions and shows, the planning of conferences, tour shows, the design and construction of commercial space like shoppes, display halls, and museums etc….We provide a coordinated process of integral services for our customers: originality—design-- construction.

       With enthusiasm, creativity and imagination, our team members are elites in this field. We have complete and perfect organization and facilities, more than 3000 square meters of professional manufacturing factories and a very experienced construction teams. We enjoy a very good reputation among our clients owing to the excellent service we provide to them. Therefore we built up a business network and established many branches in different cities and provinces in China . The business of our company now expanded throughout China and even abroad. We have participated in hundreds of international exhibitions and our performances have won us many compliments and recognition from both the organizing committees and the exhibitors. Every year we regularly engage in exhibitions, such as Golf, Tourism Expo., Machine Tool Expo, Communication, Financial Banking Technology and Equipment, Fashion Show, Textile Machinery, Agriculture, Book Fair , Scientific-Technology, House and Hardware, etc..

       We are an energetic and experienced team with firm belief of development, consistent pursuit, whole-hearted service, good reputation and creative design. It is our strong belief that our cooperation will promote the development and create a brighter future for both of us.




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